人类白细胞抗原-G(human leucocyte antigen G,HLA-G)作为非经典的主要组织相容性复合物Ⅰ类分子,在母-胎界面的绒毛膜外滋养层细胞上......
Decidual CD56brightCXCR4+ natural killer cells induce maternal-fetal immune tolerance via an interle
Successful pregnancy requires maternal immune system to tolerate the semi-allogeneic fetus.Th2 dominant cytokines and re......
The high levels of vitronectin expressive profiles in maternal-fetal interface of patients with earl
A Defective CXCL16/CXCR6 Axis Increases the Risk of Pregnancy Loss via the Abnormal Crosstalk betwee
A Defective CXCL16/CXCR6 Axis Increases the Risk of Pregnancy Loss via the Abnormal Crosstalk betwee
Objective::The maternal-fetal interface undergoes dynamic changes to allow the fetus to grow and develop in the uterus. ......
Trophoblasts-derived chemokine CCL24 promotes the proliferation,growth and apoptosis of decidual str
Chemokine CCL24 is the second member of eotaxins,a group of eosinophilsselectively chemoattractants.Via binding to i......
Expression and its clinical significance of HLA-G in HCMV-infected placental villi at early pregnant
Objective:To investigate the roles of COX-2,TNF-α,IL-6 in the pathogenesis of autoimmunetype recurrent spontaneous abor......
Expression and its clinical significance of HLA-G in HCMV-infected placental villi at early pregnant
Objective: To study the expression and its clinical significance of HLA-G in HCMV intrauterine infected placental villi ......